Workforce Skill Catalog Template

This skills and work catalog template that is referenced in our Guide to Workforce Optimization. If you want to take a data-driven approach to workforce optimization, well, by definition you need “data.” So what does that data look like? To make this template relevant for a broad range of work functions, I have a lot of tabs for different kinds of job functions, like cleaning, catering, property management, etc.

Depending on your company, you may not need all of the columns in the file, but perhaps if you’re a facility management firm that provides lots of different kinds of services with a very broad range of employees and contractors to carry out these services, this template may fit perfectly. Here I have a list of activities with ID #s associated with each. Each activity maps to a type of service the firm offers, like interior cleaning (what we call basic office cleaning) vs, say, exterior cleaning. And within a given service you might have a mix of employees’ different skills – like basic room cleaning vs body fluid cleaning, which requires specialized training or certification. You might also have a tier “Skill Level” structure as a way to track, say, pay range for certain jobs.

This template may be more granular or detailed than is required for your use case, so only keep those columns that are relevant or useful for you, and feel free to edit it as much as you like.

We hope this is helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Remember to take a look at our article Part 1: Cataloging Employee Skills and Work Activities – The Complete Guide To Workforce Optimization
