Press Release, Resources

DecisionBrain is proud to announce that this year as well, for the 5th year in a row, we will be one of the sponsors of the 22nd ROADEF Mulhouse 2021. This edition of the conference is organized by the IRIMAS Laboratory of the University of Haute-Alsace and will take place entirely online.

As every year, DecisionBrain will be participating in different sessions, with two of our Ph.D. students and one Analytics & Optimization Specialist presenting their work.

Here are the titles of their talks:

  • Upstream and Downstream Synchronization for Automotive Paint-shop Scheduling
  • An Iterative Approach for the Mobile Workforce Tactical Scheduling Problem with Frequency Constraints
  • Problème de Lot-Sizing avec contraintes sur les inventaires dans les périodes.

“I am really happy to join ROADEF 2021 to share my results on tactical workforce optimization, and to be part of the OR community.”

– Anne-Laurence Hulot