DecisionBrain Gene

A state-of-the-art platform that allows to reduce by over 70% the effort required to develop a decision-support solution.

Reduce development costs by over 70%

Out-of-the-box functionalities used across modern applications

  • Advanced web User Interface (UI)
  • What-if scenario analysis capabilities
  • Integrated user management
  • Parallel processing and execution monitoring
  • Containerized deployment
  • Integrated security features


Web Frontend Service

Web User Interface easily configurable to your business needs with predefined elements and seamless integration of custom components.

  • Dashboard widgets synchronization
  • Comprehensive set of ready-to-use components
  • Configurable user access roles

Scenario Service

This service manages a hierarchy of scenarios organized into workspaces and folders. It provides an API to easily manage creating, renaming, duplicating and deleting workspaces, folders and scenarios.

Data Service

This service manages data in a relational database, indexed by scenarios. It provides an API to:

  • Get a description of the database parameters
  • Create/Read/Update/Delete rows
  • Map data with in-memory representation


DB Gene ensures high-level security to protect your data:

  • DB Gene supports standard protocols (OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0) making it possible to implement Single-Sign-On and to connect to existing user directories
  • Fine-grain permission and access rights: control what scenarios, visualization, and interactions are accessible on a per-role basis
  • Support for https encrypted communication
DB Gene User Permissions Management

Optimization Server

Seamlessly run multiple CPU-intensive computational jobs locally or remotely and provides administrative tools to easily monitor and manage them.

  • Predefined Web Console
  • Monitor and replay execution capabilities
  • Flexible deployment, local or on the cloud
  • Failover capabilities
Compose Logo
Docker Logo
Kubernetes Logo
Openshift Logo
Spring boot Logo
Python Logo
IBM Cplex Logo
OPL Logo
Google Cloud
IBM Cloud

DecisionBrain Gene Datasheet

Scalable Architecture

Modular and Scalable Architecture Based on State of the Art Technology


Access the Documentation and Release Notes

Strong Benefits for your Teams
